Monday, March 24, 2014


We have been writing some information reports on our learning this term. Caleb was our winner last week. This is what he wrote.

Wellbeing                                                                                                       by Caleb Te Hira
Purpose: to inform
Wellbeing is about eating healthily and keeping our bodies clean. Some people think you can put junk into your body and still be healthy. Looking after your body is important because you need to have a healthy body.
Smoking is an addictive drug that millions of people smoke. Cigarettes have over 4000 chemicals that go into your body when you smoke. If people smoke often and they try to stop, they get headaches and they don’t feel 100 percent. It’s really sad if people smoke because it can give them cancer and it can kill you.

Alcohol is a liquid that does serious damage to your body but mostly to your brain. When someone drinks a glass of alcohol, wine or spirits it takes an hour for your liver to break it down. When someone drinks alcohol their brain doesn’t think as good and it does not work properly. Alcohol makes you feel dizzy, light headed and lose concentration.

When you eat, make sure you are not eating too much junk food because it is not good for your body and heart. If you eat too much junk your arteries block up and give you heart attacks. Vegetables and fruit are the best options for your body to get fibre, vitamins and carbohydrate.
Drugs can be very addictive because of what’s in them and what they are made out of. Some drugs are helpful, especially if they are medicines that a doctor has prescribed for you.

These are some of the ways you keep yourself healthy and safe. Wellbeing is about making sensible choices.

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